Release notes

Production release: 10 May 2024


  • Upgrade Gatsby from v3.15 to v5.13.3
  • Security updates

Production release: 06 March 2024


  • Internal and external links can be added to navigation items now with expected behaviour of a direct link without a dropdown.


  • GTM tag and Google Consents support for new enterprise container. 
  • New Iframe component giving the ability to display iframe content at full width or in a container.
  • All subtitles and body text items across the site are now available as rich text with certain restrictions.
  • Redirects are managed within

Production release: 09 Jan 2024


  • Adding a second CTA to branch hero now works as expected
  • Article headings sizes are now inline with the rest of the site, while maintaining semantics


  • Page heroes are now not a required item
  • Confirmation section typography changes and CTA to homepage bug fixed
  • New T&C component that consists of rich text only at smaller size
  • Browser alert on content refresh has now been removed

Production release: 10 Oct 2023

  • Logo changed to now include registered mark.
  • Now self-hosting the font files resulting in consistently display Ubuntu font weights.
  • CSS transition on hover including buttons and main navigation.
  • Removal of pages preview page.
  • Button text weight - change from 700 to 600 to match wider digital landscape.
  • Contact tile "learn more" text can now be overridden.
  • Focal points in card collection background images are now working as expected.

Production release: 13 Jul 2023

New improved downloads page

  • Product and services orderable in kontent
  • Display products and services as cards on Downloads page
  • Display 'Popular Downloads' document links on Downloads page
  • Updated downloads page background, button style and title
  • Display documents for product or service
  • Update document card with new styling
  • Display filters document type filters with new styling
  • Placement of product/service specific search
  • Non-product related search results view
  • Display 'Related Pages' on specific product view
  • Created "Topic" content model
  • Migrated to Topic model
  • Re-written search filtering code


  • Removal of Twitter

Production release: 24 Apr 2023


  • Subtitle paragraph tags visible now removed
  • Homepage hero poster image now working


  • New extended background colours
  • Special characters stripped from <title> tag
  • Separate the header and or footer on/off option on pages
  • Wellbeing calendar label change
  • Allow Rich text in all subtitles

Production release: 14 Feb 2023


  • External Video - missing border radius now added
  • Wellbeing podcast cards match events style more


  • Simple section amend component to have backgrounds and text alignment
  • New Campaign hero
  • New Billboard component
  • New Media section component
  • Wellbeing calendar - Awareness day time now optional

Production release: 2 Feb 2023


  • Incorrect hard coded Sick Pay Icon now correct
  • Promo featured media videos now working


  • New Skinny promo component with changeable background colours
  • New Home page hero with video option
  • New coloured Gradients available to certain components
  • All external links now open in new window or tab.
  • Wellbeing Hub - whole card is now clickable
  • Testimonial component- Font size decrease on all variations
  • TitleWithContent - headers are now consistent

Content changelog

Got a question?

If you've got any questions relating to the website changelog please get in touch with Gosia Babiak-Bicknell, Digital Marketing and Web Optimisation Manager.

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