Our workplace wellbeing workshops

Group Income Protection policyholders get unrestricted access to our suite of interactive wellbeing workshops, many of which are CPD-accredited. We’ve developed these in conjunction with specialists and they’re delivered by our in-house experts.

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Two ladies training

The benefits of upskilling

  • A positive working environment encourages happy, healthy and productive staff. This can have tangible business benefits.
  • However, only just over half (53%) of organisations take a strategic approach to employee wellbeing.
  • Line managers continue to play a key role in managing absence: 70% of organisations reported line managers take primary responsibility for managing short-term absence, and 61% for long-term absence.
  • 67% of organisations report that line managers are increasingly involved in the importance of wellbeing, up from 58% in 2020. 
  • Despite this, just 3 in 10 organisations provide guidance or training for their line managers on how to support people to stay at work when managing health conditions.

Key statistics…

We’re proud of our training material, webinars and other resources.


The number of workshop attendees in 2023


Attendees who score the quality of the session as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ 


of people say the workshop they attended will positively impact on how they manage their wellbeing

"Attendees of this training have come away feeling empowered and this is directly attributed to how knowledgeable Unum’s Rehabilitation team are in the topics discussed. The delivery style is informative, friendly, and well-rounded, and a great support service for both employers and employees."
Group Resourcing and Talent Business Partner

Supporting your team at every step

Line manager training

Line managers are central to their team’s wellbeing. Our workplace wellbeing workshops empower, upskill and support attendees to confidently spot problems in their team as they arise so they can give timely, practical support to manage absences and wellbeing.

U-First sessions for employees

Your staff are your most valuable asset and these sessions are designed to support them. They can help prevent absences, but they’re primarily focused on empowering, upskilling and supporting attendees, so they have the confidence to address and improve their own wellbeing.

Workplace Health and Wellbeing Review

If you’re unsure which of our workshops would have the most impact on your employees and your business as a whole, you might consider asking us to do a complete a Workplace Health and Wellbeing Review.

We identify any gaps in your current workplace wellbeing strategy and come up with suggestions on how to make improvements to benefit your employees and see a real, tangible return on your investment. If you don’t have a strategy in place, we’ll help you develop one. And we’ll even work with you over the course of 12 months to implement these changes.

Find out more

Manager training

On-course line manager training

Line manager training

Check out our CPD-accredited line manager workshops in the dropdown menu below. HR representatives from companies with Unum Group Income Protection can book slots for batches of employees to attend any of these sessions.

Our line managers training courses

  • In this session managers will learn practical hints and tips for having regular wellbeing conversations with their team. We will explore why these conversations are important to proactively managing staff wellbeing. Line managers will learn to consider their own wellbeing as a starting point, including how to maintain boundaries as well as discussing how to manage any barriers to having regular wellbeing conversations with their team members. Managers will leave the session feeling confident to encourage open conversations and provide signposting and support.

  • This session has been designed to educate line managers about the impact of menopause rarely talked about due to stigma or embarrassment. Line managers will increase their understanding about this menopause, learn how to approach and encourage communication, and discover how they can support colleagues and ensure their team feel comfortable to be their authentic self at work.

  • A session designed to enable attendees to build their understanding of the 4 most common types of neurodivergence: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Line managers will discover the key role they play in supporting and engaging individuals throughout the employee journey and learn practical strategies and tools that contribute to managing the challenges their team members may experience.

  • Here we cover the foundations of absence management, from awareness of process and policies to the benefits of early intervention and offering support. This session works well for business who are rolling out new or updated sickness policies or processes or training groups of new line managers. Line managers will be equipped with the tools to notice the signs when an employee is struggling and feel prepared to have discussions about health and wellbeing with their team members, including supporting employees who are unwell, off sick or returning to work.

  • In this interactive webinar we will develop understanding of how long-term conditions such as mental health concerns, post covid syndrome and auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis can impact on individuals at work. Line managers will leave this session equipped with techniques on how to discuss and understand the needs of an individual, and practical solutions to support those managing a long-term condition at work.

  • In this interactive webinar we’ll provide an overview of musculoskeletal disorders and how they can impact an individual at work. We’ll highlight the importance of healthy working practices such as regular breaks from sitting and a correct ergonomic set up. This session will support line managers with increasing their awareness and understanding of common issues and provide practical solutions on how to support their team and improve musculoskeletal health.

  • Split across two sessions, one on prevention and the other on intervention, these webinars cover why preventing poor mental health among your employees is essential. Not only is it the ‘right thing to do’ — it also makes sense from a business perspective, given mental ill health accounts for 10% of sickness absence.

  • Developed with Maggie’s Cancer Charity, this workshop sensitively handles how and when employers can provide support to employees diagnosed with cancer. It offers an overview of the common effects of cancer and treatments and equips managers with the confidence to discuss the needs of affected employees. 

Man walking in the countryside

Employee sessions

We created our employee workplace wellbeing sessions to support your most valuable asset — your staff — to manage and nurture their wellbeing.

These employee-focused webinars can accommodate up to 1,000 attendees and examine the small, achievable changes employees can make which can have big impacts on health, wellbeing and productivity.

HR representatives can use the link below to book slots on any of our employee courses.

Our employee courses

  1. 1

    Wellbeing and menopause

    This interactive webinar has been designed to show the importance of wellbeing and looking after yourself leading up to, during and after menopause. We will outline how to nurture wellbeing during this transitional life period and explain how our health and wellbeing contribute to managing menopausal symptoms. Employees will learn different wellbeing techniques along the way, leaving the session understanding that small changes can make a big impact!

  2. 2

    Lifestyle management

    We’ll cover the key components of wellbeing, sleep and rest, nutrition and hydration, movement, stress management and connection.  Employees will identify where their priorities lie at the moment, considering their values, motivation, health factors and season of life before learning how to build habits that work and lead to lasting change.

  3. 3

    Gender, health and work

    In this interactive webinar, we will cover the impact of gender identity on health issues in the workplace and discuss how employees can support themselves and their colleagues. This webinar is designed to increase understanding about common gender specific health conditions, encourage communication, and inspire employees to show up to work as their authentic selves.

  4. 4

    Burnout and resilience (part 1: Burnout)

    This is the second workshop focusing on building our resilience. We will cover what resilience is, how we can learn to become more resilient, resilience in relation to performance along with the importance of nurturing your wellbeing to improve and sustain wellbeing. We aim to make your employees feel empowered to implement strategies to improve their overall resilience and wellbeing.

  5. 5

    Burnout and resilience (part 2: Resilience)

    The second and final in our series of employee webinars on burnout and resilience, in which we explore the meaning of resilience and how it can prevent burnout. We also cover how nurturing your wellbeing can boost resilience. We aim to make your staff feel comfortable and safe in reviewing how they might feel when under stress and explore hints, tips and strategies to improve their overall resilience and wellbeing.

  6. 6

    Movement matters

    In this interactive webinar, we will cover why 'movement matters' and explore the types of common musculoskeletal disorders seen in the workplace and their causes. This session highlights the importance of movement for prevention and will signpost employees to useful resources to reduce the impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

Online workshops
Online interactive resources

Our educational content and downloadable resources support HR teams and line managers in spotting the signs of employees struggling with mental or physical health issues or bereavement and ensure they feel confident in providing support.

Mental health

Equips line managers with the insight and confidence to recognise and support distressed employees.


Covers how to spot signs of stress in yourself and others, plus how to support and manage employees who are struggling.


We examine the physical and psychological side effects of cancer and its treatments and offer advice on how employers can support employees through diagnosis, treatment and recovery.


Covers the key risks employers should be aware of when it comes to the physical demands on their employees.

Sickness absence

An informative course on preventing employee absence and how employers and managers can support those on sick leave or preparing to return to work.


We worked with St. Catherine's Hospice to develop an interactive and informative workshop, helping line managers to support bereaved employees.
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